I have been thinking about the #Occupy Protests across America.
1970 when I returned from Viet Nam and got spit at by protesters and
later called a baby killer by in a job interview; I somehow made my mind
that I didn't much like protesters.
I'm an Old Dog but
I don't mind learning new tricks; I understand the anxiety expressed
when the #occupywallstreet movement started. I guess its human nature
to try to find someone to blame.
If I were to join
the protest, I would join a cause to change the basic reasons we are so
out of whack! I don't think I can blame Wall Street for the huge debt
each of us face due to the ridiculous spending by our federal
government. Wall Street probably wouldn't advise to send billions of
dollars in foreign aid and then add billions of dollars to "protect" the
people that don't want our protection; just our money.
is hard to really know where all the money is but simple research
suggests we send around $22 Billion in foreign aid each year. The
military budget is pushing $700 Billion (how much of that is protection
services). I am a strong believer in defenses; I just have a limit to
defending the good ol USA.
Recently it was disclosed that the CIA budget is somewhere around the $55 Billion figure.
Ok, we need some of those goods and services, especially the
military for national defense. Just think if the government took out say
$100 Billion and put it toward upgrading our infrastructure... what a
concept; jobs, less welfare, all sorts of collateral energies...
I'm not blaming the rich for being rich or the protesters for
protesting; I'm just suggesting maybe we should take a hard look at the
way we do business with the rest of the world...
There is something fundamentally wrong with these people that spend Millions of dollars to get a temporary job that only pays in the hundreds of thousands... my opinion they are not worth $100k per year; just look at their history in making poor decisions.
Maybe we should Occupy America!
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